태권팡 - 수학,덧셈,뺄셈,곱셈,나눗셈,두뇌개발,격파

by URN Games



womb! volume! phut!A math game that can be easily enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age or gender, as a game using Taekwondo!■ You can improve your math skills and even develop mental arithmetic!- Addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication are easy and difficult combinations to improve your skills.- You can achieve your own ranking.■ Enjoy in various modes!- However, try improving your math skills with your arms.- From the white belt to the black belt, the higher the level, the higher the difficulty! Fun too!■ Exciting PVP mode to play with friends- You can play with your friends in time attack mode.- Faster than anyone else, faster than others, the pleasure you can feel with just one click!■ Create your own profile with cute and cute characters.- Select cute animal friends such as tiger, rabbit, and deer to create your own characterI can create■ Blow away your stress with the pleasure of defeat!!!